Frequently asked questions, FAQ's

Q: How do I know whether the selected products will counter my skin concern?

  1.  We believe in letting the results speak for themselves. Each product is accompanied by detailed descriptions outlining the specific concerns it targets. By reading the descriptions, you can easily identify which product is tailored to address your particular skin issue.

Q: How do I know whether the product is safe and effective?

  1. At Vanity Luxe, transparency is key. We provide comprehensive ingredient lists and their associated benefits for each product. Additionally, our users share their reviews based on personal experiences, offering valuable insights to help you make informed purchasing decisions.

Q: How early can I expect results?

  1. Results may vary, typically ranging from 2-6 weeks. Remember, everyone's skin responds differently. We recommend allowing a minimum of 21 days for products to start showing noticeable improvements. Consistency and patience are key to achieving long-term skincare goals.

Q: Do loyal customers of Vanity Luxe get added benefits?

  1.  Absolutely! Our loyal customers enjoy exclusive perks, including discounts on organic products and the opportunity to share coupon codes with friends and family. Additionally, you can earn reward points for referrals, which can be redeemed for discounts on future purchases.

Q: Do I have to pay the hefty shipping charges?

  1.  Not at all! We offer free delivery on orders above Rs 499, ensuring that your organic treasures reach you promptly without breaking the bank.

Q: What if I want to but am unable to pick the right product?

  1. Our dedicated customer support team provides free consultations to help you select the best products for your needs, ensuring optimal results.

Q: How early shall I expect my order to be delivered?

  1. You can anticipate delivery within 4-6 business days, excluding public holidays and weekends, once your order is processed.

Q: Can I cancel my order?

  1. Yes. While we hope you'll love our products, you have the flexibility to cancel your order before it ships. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Q: When am I eligible for returning an item?

  1.  We strive to deliver excellence, but if you receive a wrong or damaged product, simply notify us within 2 days of receipt to initiate a return. We'll arrange for the incorrect item to be picked up and promptly replace it with the right one.

Q: How early will I get the refund for the canceled/returned items?

  1.  Your satisfaction is our commitment. Refunds for canceled or returned items are processed promptly. For cash payments, you'll receive VW coupons, while debit/credit card payments are refunded via bank transfer, typically within 14 days of product verification at our warehouse.

Q: What are VW coupons and how can I use them?

  1.  VW coupons are credits equivalent to the value of returned products. You can redeem them on your next purchase with us, similar to any other coupon.

Q: Where can I reach your customer care executives for detailed enquiries and guidance?

  1.  Our dedicated customer care team is available to assist you with any queries or concerns. You can reach us by phone at +91 9289209169 or via email at, Monday through Saturday, between 10 am to 6 pm. Alternatively, you can fill out the contact form below for assistance.